Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A year filled with conqured chanllenges

A year ago next Wednesday, was when we found out that our baby girl was special and was never going to be completely normal. Its crazy how fast this past year has gone by. We were told she wouldn't walk until she was about 18 months but she has been walking since she was about 10 months old. I'm so proud of her. While we were in Arkansas, we got her sized for shoes the week after thanksgiving, not sure when we should be getting those hopefully soon though. But my mom picked her up some shoes to keep her feet warm until we get the others, and she loves them. She will walk in them, unlike the first ones we got for the insert.

And I have over come some of the guilt I had after she was born but not all of it. I think what has helped me with that is breastfeeding. Her birthday will be 12 months of exclusively breastfeeding. My first goal was her first tooth, then her second, third, and fourth. And now, 8 teeth and a week straight of soreness from her biting, we are still going strong. Although I'm starting to wean her. I'm going to miss our cuddle time though.

Here are her shoes. Size 5 and size 3

Helping my mom (nini) make cookies.

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